Sharing some thoughts on Esther that came to me from last night's sermon.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord." (Is 55:8).
On Easter Saturday, the disciples must have been fearful and confused. They had seen miracles, heard Jesus teach with such authority, they had seen the transfiguration; they were utterly convinced Jesus was the Messiah. Yet now He was dead. In the same way, Mordecai must have thought God's time had come. God had granted him a golden opportunity to save the Kings life and possibly a position from which he could protect the Jews. Yet nothing happened.
We too sometimes find ourselves in a position where we are convinced something is God's will for us. Everything seems to be working in our favour and then it falls through. We are confused and fearful. But God's ways are not our ways. He will work in His time, in His strength, and in His wisdom. He will work through the people of His choosing (ie the orphan Esther) for His own purposes - the building of His Kingdom for His glory.
When we find ourselves in confusing and frightening circumstances, we can learn much from Esther and Mordecai. Just like them we should trust and obey and remain faithful to God. Also like them we may live to see how wonderfully everything works together for the good of those who love Him. Even if we aren't granted understanding, we can know peace as we trust in the One who knows all things. The disciples grief and confusion was replaced by joy and so will ours be.
Claire Pegg